Spirulina Algae
Looking for a fast, easy way to fuel your day and have your nutrition and protein needs met without cooking or cleaning? ENERGYbits® spirulina tablets supercharge your work day and workouts by giving you steady energy, focus, and endurance. These nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich, high-protein, plant-based tablets reduce hunger and improve focus without chemicals, caffeine, or sugar. With more protein than steak (3x steak), and just one ingredient and one calorie per tablet, ENERGYbits® are perfect for intermittent fasting, snacks, and sports. Grown organically and endorsed by doctors nationwide.
When purchased, the reusable canister looks great on your counter! Made sustainably from cardboard, the large canister contains a large bag of ENERGYbits® (1,000 spirulina algae tablets) and a travel tin. Twist the canister top to safely and easily shake your tablets out into your hand through the small opening in the lid. When you run out of bits, simply refill the canister with another bag of ENERGYbits®
Who Should Take Bits?
Short answer: Everyone! But they are especially helpful for people who want a plant-based option for wellness, optimal performance for physical activity, and a fast, easy solution for their nutritional needs.
How to Take Bits?
You may only need 2-3 tablets per serving. Take as many servings a day as you would like to help improve wellness, energy, longevity, or vitality. Take larger quantities for better outcomes or to replace supplements, snacks, meals, or veggies. We generally recommend you SWALLOW your tablets or add them to smoothies. But if you like their green flavor, you might enjoy chewing them with sea salt, fruit, or nuts!
When to Take Bits?
You can take them whenever you are tired or hungry. They are great before any athletic activity for more energy. Take them any time you need a quick, easy, healthy, high-protein snack. Not sure how many bits to take each day? It’s totally your choice but we created a reference chart to help you! You can find it right beside the product description! Just look for the row of small images and scroll to the last one that says “Tablet Recommendations.” This will give you some ideas. But since algae is food, it’s always your choice. Experiment a bit to find out what works best for you!
ENERGYbits Snack Comparison Chart
This chart illustrates how our ENERGYbits compare to energy drinks, protein bars, and other sports nutrition. As you can see from the chart, most other energy products contain large amounts of sugar and artificial ingredients.
In contrast, our algae tablets are clean, green fuel that provide you with over forty vitamins and minerals, 64% protein and Essential Fatty Acids. That’s why we have over sixty professional and Olympic athletes who endorse us and use our products.
ENERGYbits Protein and Antioxidant Chart
This chart shows you how ENERGYbits compare to other protein and antioxidant sources and makes it clear they are the best source of both.
ENERGYbits have three times as much protein as steak and far more protein than soy, nuts or any other protein option. Even better, this plant-based protein is highly absorbable and bio-available to your body. In fact all the protein in our ENERGYbits is already in amino acid form so your body doesn’t have to break it down as it does with animal protein.
ENERGYbits are also loaded with antioxidants – and in fact they far exceed the antioxidants levels found in other healthy foods.

1 Bag of 1,000 ENERGYbits spirulina tablets = 551 lbs of fruits and vegetables
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