Mindful Minerals (Mi)
Know About
Mindful Minerals
Mindful Minerals is not just another trendy beauty brand with a cool name. Mindful Minerals (mi) is redefining skin ‘care’ one product at a time by replacing toxic ingredients in our everyday products with life-essential minerals. With their grassroots efforts over the past decade, mi has been embraced by thousands of skincare professionals helping their clients make healthier choices in the products they use every day.

Safer Skin Care
Sovereign Skin Care 101

A Guide to Safe and Healthy Skin Care Skin is the largest organ of your body and it is your body’s largest transport system.
Taking care of the health of your skin is far more important than buying cosmetics and following the latest trends. As a matter of fact, following the latest trends may not only be damaging to your wallet, it very well may be damaging your skin and endocrine system and putting you at risk for diseases including cancer.
Why should I care about my endocrine system? Your endocrine system is a collection of glands that produce hormones that regulate metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, gender identity, reproduction, sleep, and mood, among other things.
Believe it or not, what you put on your skin goes deep into your body. Your skin is your largest organ and up to 60% of what you put on its surface gets absorbed into your body.
Some chemicals in cosmetics in America have hormone disruptors and literally give boys female-mimicking hormones, and girls male-mimicking hormones. So, you may ask, how can I have great skin without buying a lot of products? There are many natural product lines and DIY recipes to care for your skin and even treat skin disorders such as acne.
Follow this practical guide that will walk you through the world of cosmetics and help you learn how to not get “taken” by unscrupulous companies looking to make a profit.
The Cosmetics Industry and YOU! Did you know the average teen American girl uses up to 17 personal care products a day and is wearing over 500 chemicals on her hair and body by the time she walks out the door to go to school? This cocktail of over 10,000 ingredients includes some of the same chemicals used in toilet bowl cleaners and is linked to serious health issues.
You might argue that you are only using a little, tiny bit of each product each day, but a “little each day” adds up to over 5 lbs. of chemical toxins that we absorb into our body each year! Why are we using so many products and what exactly are these chemicals? Billions of dollars are spent each year on marketing products in America.
The personal care products industry is a 70 billion dollar business, and companies will keep making products and marketing to us, as long as we keep buying them and don’t ask questions. Safe Cosmetics You may think that the more expensive skincare, personal care, and cosmetic products such as Clinique, Este Lauder, or Lancôme are better, meaning safer, but this is not necessarily the case. So, save your money and do your homework. Here are three easy steps to ensure you are getting products that are safe for your body.
These labels have legal meaning in the food industry, but no legal meaning in the cosmetics industry. They are merely marketing terms to make you believe a product is safe, but in fact, a product with these labels can have many harmful chemicals in it.
- Read Labels and Avoid the Dirty Dozen* Thanks to great websites like www.safecosmetics.org and free mobile apps you can download on your smartphone like: Think Dirty, Skin Deep, and Good Guide you can scan the bar code of products before you buy or type in the ingredients and get a level of safety of that product.
- Beware of “Green-washing” and “Pink-washing” Words like natural and organic have no legal meaning in the cosmetic industry. Read the label or scan the product with your smart app. Beware of the pink ribbon on products during Breast Cancer Awareness months—many of these products have ingredients that cause cancer.
- Less is More – The fewer products you use, the better for your skin and overall health. Look for Do It Yourself recipes and if you are a busy girl, scan bar codes and only buy products that are deemed safe using one of the independent apps like “Think Dirty”. Look for products that have more than one purpose so you don’t expose yourself to more chemicals.
Dirty Dozen
Toxic Beauty

Would you slather gasoline or diesel on your face?
How about liquid plastic, formaldehyde, or lead? Of course not! I encourage you to take a closer look at what you put on your skin. Many skincare products contain petroleum by-products, phthalates (a plasticizing agent), formaldehyde-releasing chemicals, and other toxins. You won’t see these ingredients listed in your skincare products because they’re hidden. So, I’m sharing what to look for to help you avoid some of the most toxic ingredients. Why avoid them? They are known as hormone disruptors and carcinogens. Although manufacturers and the FDA claim these ingredients are safe in small amounts, I’m not convinced. My concern is that our environment exposes us to so many toxins. Why add more fuel to the fire (literally!)? Your skincare products don’t just sit on your skin; they penetrate it and wind up in your bloodstream. Thanks to evaporation, some ingredients even wind up in the air around you, meaning you inhale them.
1. ALUMINUM (Aluminum Chloride, Chlorohydrate and Ziconium, FD&C1, Green 3) Often found in Antiperspirant, Deodorant, and Makeup as a colorant. Why it may be harmful: The majority of breast cancer tumors are found in the area of the breast and lymph nodes in the upper arm where most often exposed to aluminum from antiperspirants. – People with compromised kidney function are warned to avoid aluminum. – Aluminum linked to increased risk for Alzheimer’s Disease.
2. BENZOYL PEROXIDE Often found in Acne Medication Why it may be harmful: Possible tumor promoter. May act as a mutagen. Produces DNA damage in human cells. It is toxic by inhalation and it is an eye, skin, and respiratory irritant.
3. COAL TAR FD&C Blue 1, Green 3 Often found in Dandruff Shampoo, Anti-Itch Creams, and Hair Dyes Why it may be harmful: It is a known carcinogen that can accumulate in the body.
4. NITROSAMINES (Not listed as an ingredient but is an impurity breakdown from these chemicals DEA, TEA, MEA) Often found in Baby Shampoo, Sunless Tanner, Conditioner, Concealer, Pain Relief Salve Why it may be harmful: Possible human carcinogen linked to cancer, birth defects, developmental or reproductive toxicity, neurotoxicity. Evidence of endocrine disruption in low doses readily absorbs and accumulates in the organs and brain. It is a skin and eye irritant.
5. SODIUM LAUREL SULFATE Dyes (SLS) & Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) Often found in 90% of all PCPs that foam including: Baby Wash, Shampoo, and Body Wash Why it may be harmful: Organ toxicity, developmental/reproductive toxicity, neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption, biochemical or cellular changes. Possible mutations and cancer.
6. FORMALDEHYDE (EDTA, DMDM Hydantoin & Urea, Diazolidinyl urea, and Imidazolidinyl Urea) Often found in Baby Wash, Nail Products, Hair Straighteners Why it may be harmful: It is a known human carcinogen. An eyes, nose, and throat irritant that also may cause joint pain, allergies, depression, headaches, and chronic fatigue and allergies.
7. HYDROQUINONE Often found in Skin Lighteners & Brighteners, Fade Creams, Facial Cleansers, and conditioners Why it may be harmful: A chemical carcinogen and immunotoxicant. Developmental & reproductive toxicant that increases deep exposure to UVA/UVB rays to increase skin cancer risks.
8. PARABENS (Methyl, Propyl, Ethyl, Butyl, Isopropyl, and Ethyly- PREFIXES Parabens) Often found in Food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic products. Why it may be harmful: Linked to cancer, endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicity, neurotoxicity, skin irritations, and is a hormone disruptor.
9. PETROCHEMICALS (Petrolatum, Mineral Oil, Paraffin, PEG, PG-Propolyne Glycol, Butylene Glycol) Often found in Lip Balm, Lipstick, Shampoo, Baby Care Products, Sunscreen, Foundation. Why it may be harmful: May contain human carcinogens. Blocks the skin’s natural transport system trapping toxins in the body and restricting them from exiting through the skin.
10. SUNSCREEN CHEMICALS (Avobenzone, Oxybenzone, Benzophenone, Ethoxycinnamate, PABA) Often found in Sunscreen, Sun Block Why it may be harmful: Linked to cancer. May damage DNA and creates free radicals. Some dermatologists argue that these sunscreen chemicals are more cancer-causing than sun damage!
11. TRICLOSAN Often found in Hand Sanitizer, Toothpaste, Deodorant, Hand, Face, and Body Cleansers Why it may be harmful: Hormone disruptor that affects brain and reproductive function. Contributes to antibiotic resistance in bacteria known to cause human infections. *US population ages 6 to 65 show residues of triclosan in over three-quarters of those tested.
12. PHTHALATES AKA: FRAGRANCE (phthalates are not listed as an ingredient but are a hidden ingredient of fragrance) Often found in Anything with fragrance – Perfume, Air Freshener, Hairspray, Body Mist, Lotions… Why it may be harmful: Hormone disruptor, mimicking estrogen. May contribute to developmental, fertility, liver & kidney damage, birth defects, and early breast development in boys and girls 97% of Americans tested by the US Centers for Disease Control have Diethyl Phthalate (DEP) in their bloodstreams. More than 70% of PCPs in the U.S. contain Phthalates that link directly to birth defects and infertility. Phthalates are a hidden ingredient of fragrance. Fragrances are considered “trade secrets” so companies don’t have to reveal the phthalates on their labels which can be a cocktail of up to 3,000 chemicals!
Healthy Living
Environmental Working Group
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vs. Topical

Transdermal vs. Topical: What makes Mindful Minerals’ formulas so effective is the innate nature of the product’s minerals to penetrate deeply into the body (transdermal) through the skin delivering real, long-lasting results. Topical products (most cosmetic and skincare products) are formulated to affect the skin itself without the intended ingredients reaching the bloodstream*. Only transdermal formulations are designed to penetrate through the skin layer and exert their effects on deeper or more distant tissues.
So, while Mindful Minerals’ products are categorized and labeled under the US category– Cosmetics and Soaps, just as are most professional and retail skincare lines, it is important to understand what is in them that makes them work and what’s not in them that makes them safe. Just like a pharmaceutical patch delivers drugs to the bloodstream, the high concentration of Dead Sea minerals in mi’s products penetrates the skin barrier to deliver vital minerals and non-toxic active ingredients and their effects on the whole body.
Massively beneficial on their own, the minerals also act as a delivery mechanism, allowing mi’s safe, active ingredients i.e.) peptides, hyaluronic acid, fruit extracts, vitamins, and humectants, to penetrate as well. The results are unquestionable. So, whilst we are not legally able to make medical claims on our products as a cosmetic line, the results speak for themselves. If you have been with us for more than a month, you and your clients are buzzing about the miraculous results.