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Why the World Needs Algae
ENERGYbits® Founder Catharine Arnston wants you to know that wellness is not only achievable, it is fast, easy, and natural with algae. She paints a very compelling argument as to why algae may be our last shot at being properly nourished so we can put a stop to skyrocketing chronic diseases and heal our environment.
Algae is desperately needed because our world is toxic, our oceans are polluted, our soil is lifeless, our food is inflammatory, our drug use is escalating, our mental health is suffering and our chronic disease is skyrocketing. We are so undernourished and full of toxins, our bodies/brains aren’t functioning optimally. Scientists are referring to this as The Great Nutrient Collapse. If we are to survive, something has to change.
Algae tablets can help. Algae is the highest-protein, highest-chlorophyll, and most nutrient-dense, sustainable superfood in the world. It effortlessly and instantly nourishes the body and brain, removes toxins, improves immune health, and helps prevent chronic disease. Algae is also the most scientifically studied food in the world.
But until ENERGYbits® came along, algae’s extraordinary health benefits (documented in almost 100,000 studies) have remained virtually unknown. Catharine has worked tirelessly for thirteen years to change this. She has traveled the country, educating consumers, giving presentations, speaking on podcasts, designing friendly packaging, and writing scientific materials to help bridge the enormous knowledge gap about algae.
ENERGYbits® algae tablets are nutrient-dense “bits of food” that can replace supplements, snacks, protein, vegetables, or even meals. Our algae is grown in freshwater, air-dried, and pressed into tiny tablets that are swallowed (or chewed like nuts). One ingredient, forty nutrients, keto, vegan, raw, and third party tested our “bits” are safe for all ages from children to teens and grandparents. Pets love them too. ENERGYbits® makes nutrition fast and easy so you can effortlessly feed your body, fuel your brain and protect your health.
You may be unfamiliar with algae but it isn’t new. Algae is a multi-billion-dollar agricultural crop in Asia where it has been used daily for fifty years. Algae is also endorsed by NASA as the most nutrient-dense food in the world and by the United Nations as the answer to world hunger (it has the highest protein in the world – 3 x steak). But algae does far more than feed your body and stop hunger.
Twelve years ago, Catharine helped her sister recover from breast cancer with an alkaline diet. In the process, she discovered algae – the most nutrient-dense food in the world with medicinal benefits unknown to the Western world. Catharine knew she had to do something to get the word out and so ENERGYbits® was born. Thanks to her efforts, algae is being recognized as the most important food of the future that may also help restore our health, feed the world, reverse our chronic disease and heal our earth. Not bad for something that’s been here for four billion years. Maybe it’s time we paid some attention to it.
ENERGYbits® spirulina helps give you physical and mental energy and is a healthy, high-protein snack. The spirulina we grow is spirulina platensis which is the higher quality, higher protein spirulina. Spirulina is a blue-green algae.
RECOVERYbits® chlorella helps support your immune system, detox, recovery from sports & digestion. The chlorella we grow is chlorella pyrenoidosa which is the higher quality, higher protein chlorella. Chlorella is a green algae.
All of our Bits have the highest concentration of protein found in the world (over 60%); the highest concentration of iron, chlorophyll, and antioxidants in the world, over 40 vitamins including most B-vitamins; and electrolytes like magnesium, potassium, and much more. All for just one calorie per bit!
*ENERGYbits® algae is grown naturally without the use of pesticides or any genetic modification.
Who Can Take Bits®

Who Should Take Spirulina and Chlorella Algae
Short answer: Everyone! But they are especially helpful for people who want a plant-based option for wellness, optimal performance for physical activity, and a fast, easy solution for their nutritional needs.
How to take Bits®
You may only need 2-3 tablets per serving. Take as many servings a day as you would like to help improve wellness, energy, longevity, or vitality. Take larger quantities for better outcomes or to replace supplements, snacks, meals, or veggies. We generally recommend you SWALLOW your tablets or add them to smoothies. But if you like their green flavor, you might enjoy chewing them with sea salt, fruit, or nuts!
When to Take Bits®
You can take them whenever you are tired or hungry. They are great before any athletic activity for more energy. Take them any time you need a quick, easy, healthy, high-protein snack. Not sure how many bits to take each day? It’s totally your choice but we created a reference chart to help you! You can find it right beside the product description! Just look for the row of small images and scroll to the last one that says “Tablet Recommendations.” This will give you some ideas. But since algae is food, it’s always your choice. Experiment a bit to find out what works best for you!
Need I say more?
Pure Algae!

All of the Bits® have the highest concentrations of:
- Highest protein: 60%-64% (three times steak!)
- Highest beta carotene
- Highest iron
- Highest chlorophyll
- Highest antioxidants
- Over 40+ vitamins including the B-vitamins
- All electrolytes including magnesium, potassium
- Great source of essential fatty acids (Omega-3 etc)
All this and more for just ONE calorie per tablet or as we call them “bits” because they are bits of food! In fact, algae bits are the most nutrient-dense, safe, toxin-free, organic food you can put in your body.
Spirulina and Chlorella Algae

Spirulina Tablets
Daily Recommendations

Chlorella Tablets
Daily Recommendations

Daily Recommendations

Daily Recommendations