Vibration Therapy (Shaker Plate)
Know About
Vibration Therapy
Vibration therapy is a physical therapy that incorporates forced vibration stimulation on the human body to enhance treatment effectiveness. A vibration plate machine is used to generate and transmit the needed vibration to the human body.
Among many influences that vibration stimulation may have on the human body, vibration-induced skeletal muscle contraction is the needed treatment intervention for this therapy.
Vibration-induced rapidly repeated skeletal muscle contraction promotes and regulates a series of physiological processes, improving the performance of multiple body systems.
Vibration Therapy
Health Benefits
Vibration therapy has been increasingly recognized for its unique effectiveness in treating a broad range of medical conditions that include but are not limited to the following:
Muscle pain & injury | Knee joint injury | Microcirculation disorder |
Muscle atrophy | Sciatica | Lymphedema |
Tendon & ligament injury | Lower back pain | High blood pressure |
Bone loss | Blood circulation disorder | Fibromyalgia |
Nerve pain | Motor skills, balance, and gait issues | Cerebral palsy |
Parkinson’s disease | Metabolism disorder | Aging-related issues |
Restless leg syndrome | Urinary incontinence | Stress |

Whole Body Vibration
Whole Body Vibration (WBV) technology was created by NASA and the Russian Space Program to counteract the effects of zero gravity on returning astronauts. Movements performed on an oscillating platform have been shown to be up to four times more effective than equivalent exercises performed on a stationary surface.
ZAAZ motion therapy technology gently and powerfully engages the muscles, joints, lymph, and circulatory systems of the entire body, activating over 90% of all muscle groups and producing up to 30 involuntary reflexes per second. Results include burning fat, building muscle tone, increasing range of motion, and relieving stress and pain in muscles and joints.
Muscle is known to burn more calories than fat as your metabolic rate increases, even while standing still. ZAAZ stimulates fat-burning in over 90% of all muscle groups, producing up to 30 involuntary reflexes per second.
The massaging effects of ZAAZ motion therapy provide relief for stiff joints and muscles and help reduce tension almost immediately. Many people notice pain relief and an increased range of motion, even with older injuries.
Scientific studies have underscored the compelling results that WBV offers in areas of strength and rehabilitation. Around the globe, everyone from elite trainers to people working with the elderly or those recovering from recent injuries have incorporated the use of ZAAZ technology for faster results.
ZAAZ works your muscles by gently forcing them to contract and release. This lengthens the muscle fibers and stretches them as the muscles let go. Just a few minutes of ZAAZ helps your muscles and joints become more limber and helps reduce inflammation or soreness after any other athletic activity.
ZAAZ’s vibration plates are easy on your joints, allowing even those with chronic pain to enjoy the soothing benefits of motion therapy.
ZAAZ stimulates your cells, circulatory system, and lymph system to increase blood flow, and oxygen intake, and help flush out toxins. Enjoy sounder sleep and increased vitality.
Training Programs
Massage 1
An eight-minute massage and circulation program focusing on speeds suitable for a light massage (lower range of speeds 50-99).

Massage 3
A twelve-minute massage and circulation program focusing on speeds suitable for an intense massage (highest range of speeds 50-99).

A twelve-minute program featuring low to medium speeds ideal for toning and firming. Suitable for supplementing with weights and/or resistance bands.

Sweeps 2
A twelve-minute program that works from high to low speeds providing circulation, massage, toning, and firming benefits.

Massage 2
A ten-minute massage and circulation program focusing on speeds suitable for a medium massage (mid-range of speeds 50-99).

A broad spectrum twelve-minute program that alternates between high and low speeds, providing equal amounts of strengthening and circulation to encourage the natural healing process.

Sweeps 1
A twelve-minute program focusing on mid-range speeds suitable for cautious beginners.

Sweeps 3
A twelve-minute program that works from low to high speeds offering a broad spectrum experience.

Exercise Guide
Here’s How
Begin training with your feet close together and your hands on the machine. Stand tall with your knees slightly bent and your core engaged. Note: Always stand with your feet facing either straight forwards or backward on the plate. Do not stand perpendicular to the plate with your feet pointing to the side handlebars.
- All exercises should be done slowly and carefully. Variation in speeds and postures is critical to achieving optimal results.
- Start with shorter sessions (2-4 minutes), allowing your body to acclimate to the machine as you work towards a full 12-minute session
- Limit each ZAAZ session to 12 minutes, with a minimum 45-minute interval between each session. It is not recommended to use your ZAAZ for more than 4 sessions per day.
- Remain well hydrated at all times.
- If you experience any pain, discontinue use until the pain subsides and consult your doctor.
Warning: Never pull backward on handlebars. This creates the risk of tipping the machine and causing serious injury.
Choosing Speed
Take Note
Strengthening positions are most effective at lower speeds ranging from 1-40. At these speeds, your muscles are creating the most exaggerated contractions as your body stabilizes against the movement from the vibration plate. Strengthening positions can be held for 15-30 second intervals, increasing over time as your strength increases.
Optional: Use of weights (up to 5 lbs) and resistance bands can be added for additional intensity and strength training. Weights in excess of 5 lbs are not recommended as the G-force on the machine multiplies the effects of weight.
Stretching positions are most effective at higher speeds from 50-99. At these speeds, your muscles are achieving the shortest and most rapid contractions. This creates a massage-like experience and helps create oxygenated blood circulation to the muscles. Stretching positions can be held for intervals of 15-30 seconds or longer depending on the level of muscle tightness experienced.
The intensity of each workout can be further controlled by foot placement. For standing postures, the further apart the feet are placed on the machine base, the greater the intensity of the vibration. By contrast, the closer together the feet are placed, the lower the intensity of the vibration.
Check out these strengthening exercises with the shaker plate.
Check out these stretching exercises with the shaker plate.