Biohacking Pain
Pain Management Protocols
Pain Management

Most episodes of back pain are caused by muscle strain. The large paired muscles in the low back help hold up the spine, and with an injury, the muscles can become inflamed and spasm, causing low back pain and significant stiffness. Common causes of muscle strain of the large back muscles include sudden movement, an awkward fall, lifting a heavy object, or a sports injury. Muscle spasms in the lower back can create sensations that may range from mild discomfort to
excruciating pain.
Celluma Pro

Celluma PRO Red Light Therapy for Pain Relief
Back pain is one of the most common injuries, with approximately 540 million Americans suffering from some form of back pain in their lives. Causes range from injuries to muscle strains, sprains, and arthritis, just to name a few. Celluma’s versatile, all-in-one Blue, Red, and Infrared light therapy systems are effective on different parts of the body and treat an array of pain-causing conditions.
Celluma PRO: Near-Infrared dominant (880 nm) –> Increases microcirculation –> Decreases inflammation –> Pain reduction.
From chronic pain management to improved exercise tolerance, infrared (IR) light therapy has been clinically proven to provide therapeutic benefits across an array of medical applications, penetrating deep beyond the skin’s surface to enhance health at the cellular level.
Injury and Tissue Damage
When tissue is injured or damaged, pain occurs. Human tissue can be compromised in a variety of ways; a sprained ankle, a surgical procedure that didn’t heal properly, or even an overly intense gym session can all cause bodily discomfort and emotional distress.
Pain can be short-term or long-term depending on the injury suffered, and because it presents itself differently in every person, it can be extremely difficult to treat.
Celluma’s unique ability to bend, flex, and contour close to the skin’s surface (i.e. wrapping around an ankle to address a sprain or a muscle around the knee to address an injury) allows cells to absorb even more light energy to achieve maximum restorative potential.
Hydromassage Therapy for Pain Management
Hydromassage: A combination of heat and massage can help relieve the pain. Our hydromassage table combines both therapies in a simple-to-use and safe device. Hydromassage may feel painful at first if your muscles are in spasm. The discomfort should lessen once the muscles are loosened and warmed. Following the therapy, any soreness that presents itself should fade away. The muscles that were tight should remain noticeably more relaxed for several hours or even days, depending on stress, activity level, and severity of back pain prior to beginning hydro massage therapy.
Cryotherapy for Pain Management
Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy is the use of cold therapy for pain management for injuries such as a runner’s knee, tendonitis, back pain, and arthritis pain. It’s been used for thousands of years to reduce swelling and nerve activity and therefore pain. Today cryotherapy ranges from the most basic ice pack in the freezer to the far more effective and sophisticated whole-body cryotherapy sauna available at CryoBoost.
Cryotherapy can reduce pain in a number of ways:
- It can affect the nerve signals and slows down their transmission which may reduce the amount of pain signals to the brain.
- The levels of norepinephrine increase.
- This chemical is stimulated when we are under stress and it’s a natural painkiller.
- Finally, cryotherapy can reduce inflammation.
- A study was done during a course of 12 weeks of a group of women who were exposed to cryotherapy and the results showed that whole-body cryotherapy may be effective for pain alleviation.
Patients with diseases such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and back pain have also found that cryotherapy reduced their pain and the study concluded that whole-body cryotherapy was an important part of their rehabilitation program.
In conclusion, cryotherapy can not only manage pain but reduce swelling and at the same time increases oxygen and blood flow to the injured area. This can stimulate the healing process of the tissues.
- 1- John Hopkins Medicine – Cryotherapy (Cold Therapy) for Pain Management.
- 2- Scand J Clin Lab Invest 2008;68(2):145-53
- 3- Rehabilitation (Stuttg) 2000 Apr;39(2):93-100
Celluma DELUX
Hydromassage +

Chronic Pain a Chronic Problem
An estimated 20% of American adults suffer from chronic pain, contributing to skyrocketing healthcare bills, lost productivity, and poor quality of life across the nation. People are desperate for more than something that just masks the symptoms of their injury…they are looking for healing and long-term pain relief.
What’s more, chronic pain has been linked to opioid dependency, anxiety, and depression. Not only is pain physically debilitating, but it can also affect mental health on a daily basis.
How Can Infrared (IR) Light Therapy Help with Pain Management?
Poor circulation and the lack of oxygen and other essential molecules (i.e., glucose, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)) in blood vessels can cause pain or a lack of sensation.
When it comes to the effective treatment of pain conditions with LED red and infrared light therapy, the wavelength is key. Compared to blue light therapy, near-infrared wavelengths can penetrate deep into the muscle and joint tissue to alleviate pain, increase circulation and decrease inflammation. Infrared light therapy provides compromised cells with extra energy to accelerate the natural repair of compromised tissue cells, foster cell production, and restore homeostasis within the body.
Light energy stimulates the release of nitric oxide, causing blood vessels to increase in diameter (vasodilation) and allowing more blood flow, oxygen, and other important factors to be delivered to the cells.
This increase in oxygen and nutrients, along with stimulation of the light energy emitted from Celluma LED devices increases ATP production, which activates pain-relieving pathways actually providing pain relief. This decreases pain and inflammation and increases tissue regeneration in the localized area.
Celluma DELUX
This full-body LED FDA-cleared device emits blue, red, and near-infrared wavelengths and treats acne, wrinkles, arthritic pain, joint pain and stiffness, muscle tension, and spasm. The Celluma DELUX may also be used to decrease inflammation and increase micro-circulation to manage numerous pain and skin-related conditions.

Stop Muscle Pain
RECOVERYbits® remove the lactic acid which is released during intense physical activities. Lactic acid causes pain and interferes with the optimal functioning of an athlete’s muscles. This increases the acidity of muscles and the acidic environment inhibits the metabolic pathways that permit the breakdown of glucose, resulting in muscle pain and reduced athletic performance. RECOVERYbits® is the fastest, easiest, most natural way to prevent this. RECOVERYbits® removes lactic acid and stops muscle pain so athletes can achieve peak performance.
Read the entire article, “Want a fast recovery? Take Bits®. Here’s Why!”.
Magnesium Oil
Add Transdermal Magnesium Oil to the NormaTec, Celluma, or Freeze Sleeve therapy services for fast pain relief. Six sprays = 100 mg magnesium chloride treatment. You get 100% absorbable elemental magnesium delivered directly to the cellular level through the skin. It requires no further processing by your body.

Cold Therapy
Freeze Sleeve™

Is Whole Body Cryotherapy not for you?
Freeze Sleeves are revolutionary compression sleeves that provide pain relief and speed recovery for aching muscles and joints while allowing for comfort and mobility. The Freeze Sleeve Flat Pak provides relief to areas like the back, hips, and shoulders and supplies 20 minutes of doctor-recommended cold/heat therapy without the risk of burns or damage to the skin. Cool down your core temperature, reduce swelling, and relieve aching muscles and joints with this revolutionary take on the ice/heat pack.

Cryotherapy Protocols

Post Workout

Acute Injury

