BEAUTYbits, Radiant Skin Vibrant Health, are spirulina tablets intended to improve the health of hair, skin, and nails. Spirulina is a freshwater algae rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. 


  • IngredientsSpirulina is the only ingredient in BEAUTYbits.
  • NutritionBEAUTYbits are vegan, keto, and paleo-friendly.
  • Other benefitsBEAUTYbits are said to help with wellness, performance, and activity.
  • How to takeBEAUTYbits can be blended into a smoothie, swallowed with water, or chewed.

Potential benefits

  • SkinSpirulina may help prevent skin damage that can lead to wrinkles and signs of aging. It may also increase collagen production, which could contribute to skin tightening. 
  • Hair and nailsBEAUTYbits are intended to improve the health of hair and nails. 


While beauty supplements can provide nutrients to the skin, they should not replace a regular multivitamin or healthy diet. 

Related information

  • Spirulina is also used as a component of natural skin-care cosmetics. 
  • Other supplements that may help with skin health include vitamins A, B complex, C, D, and E and biotin, chromium, iron, selenium, and zinc. 

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